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QuasiG V1.4 is a freeware Penrose program that will display and print full-color Penrose tiling patterns, and more general quasi-crystal patterns, on any Windows 95/98 or NT/2000 PC.

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Download & Installation

QuasiG is a GUI (Windows 95) extension of Eric Weeks' grey-scale post-script writing Unix quasi-crystal generator program (quasi.c). It is best viewed with screen resolution set to 1024 by 768 pixels or higher, but you can get by at 800 by 600 pixels. It was tested on a 24 bit true-colour display setting, but may work at lower colour resolutions.

QuasiG V1.4 is freeware. Permission to use QuasiG for non-profit purposes is granted to any person completing the following steps:

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c) What purpose will you use QuasiG for ? Education Hobby Artwork Other
d) Have you used
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e) Have you visited
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f) Have you visited
tiling web sites
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Yes Never Today
g) Have you used
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h) Will you use bad
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Lots Sometimes Never

3. Now Read Conditions and Click Submit Button below to submit details if you agree

The QuasiG download is a 190 Kbytes zip file..

You are licensed to use QuasiG subject to the condition that you remember you have requested QuasiG, and at no time report this site, others in this domain, nor any future sites or email addresses associated with QuasiG, to spam or abuse blocking or listing sites or managers. This condition is necessary because this site was once disabled because a spam vigilante made a mistake and reported requested email as spam abuse.

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The latest version of QuasiG is V1.4. You will receive an email shortly with further details for downloading QuasiG. The download is in a zip file - you will need Winzip, Ultimate Zip (freeware) or something similar to extract the program file. The program file can be extracted to any directory of your choice, for example, c:\program files\quasig.

5. Enjoy !

Experiment with different parameter values.


Can you figure out what range of parameters gives tilings satisfying the Penrose matching rules ?

Eric Weeks' site provides an explanation for the methods used in the algorithm.

Be very patient if you want to apply the Penrose markings with more than 12 generating lines (24 lines took around 1 minute on a 366 MHz Pentium II laptop). Conjecture: you can tell enough about whether it's a penrose tiling using just the default 9 lines (or fewer).

Feel free to email me ( Click Here ) with any comments on the program or quasi-tiling in general. E-mail any interesting patterns you generate to me !


QuasiG Techo Details

You don't need to understand a word of the next two sections in order to use QuasiG. These words are for the techo types out there...

QuasiG is written in Visual C++ V6.0, as a 32 bit MDI application using MFC classes. It was my first attempt at writing such an application, and does some unusual things - like popping up its configuration dialogs before you've seen a main window frame, and maximising the document window (you can use the Window/Cascade or Tile options to change the latter after the windows open).

If you understood this techno-talk, you might find the SourceFilter programming utility useful. It's not free, but is pretty cheap. If you think Quasig is a pretty good bit of freeware, you might consider buying SourceFilter to help me keep the wolves from the door...

QuasiG Memory Stress

QuasiG generates the tiles to memory (rather than directly to display). It uses the MFC CArray class which dynamically allocates space for tiles; the memory is released when the display window is closed - and varies in proportion to s/2*(s-1)*l^2 where s=symmetries, and l=lines. It can be interesting to plot the Windows 95 System Monitor's memory manager items while running QuasiG. It also gives your graphics adaptor a pretty serious workout (when running in colour fill mode).

A Parting Thought

Ever had a fight like this:

It seems that unless you put the hingdorf in the marzidoodle slot and use default password "crumpet" the framazoogle bangdoodler won't display correctly. I didn't know that, so my install failed. If this information had been in a manual or pamphlet I wouldn't have spent 40 minutes on hold waiting for your support tech, Kishore, to answer the phone in Mumbai, and I wouldn't be angry now

Robin Roblimo Miller, "How Not to Sell Linux Products", March 16, 2004

Here's hoping QuasiG brings you hours of joy and no such frustration !
Page Created 27th March 2001, Last Revised
Last Revision: vdeck modification
You are visitor since 21st Feb 2004.
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This material may be used for educational non-profit purposes with proper acknowledgement of the source. If any images created with QuasiG are posted on the net, send me the link url. All other uses, please Click Here To Email Quasig

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